The Music Team

God the Father seeks true worshipers that worship him in spirit and truth (John 4:23). Our church emphasizes the praise and worship ministry as a core part of its worship services. Key to this setup is the Music Team whose primary role is to help lead the church into times of praise and worship.

God is Spirit; and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.  –   John 4:24

No man can therefore connect with God at the level he requires in worship unless he is approached in spirit and truth. It is for this reason that the leadership of the church encourages its members to actively engage in spiritual communion with the Lord through vibrant praise and worship.

The team consists of dynamic individuals with a passion for God and who sense a calling to serve him through the praise and worship ministry. Like the Levities of old, the Music Praise Team seeks to fulfill its mandate of drawing the church closer to God through

various mediums of songs, dance, and expression. With weekly practices scheduled and frequent musical training sessions, the team strives to submit its calling and enhance individual church members praise and worship experience continually.

There is also, however, the realization that praise and worship extend beyond song, dance or music and involves a particular lifestyle one lives towards God. Given this, one of the essentially incumbent roles of the praise team has therefore been to lead a life that is exemplary in demonstrating the love of God and expressing an attitude of praise and worship through holy living and daily charity. The team thus holds frequent prayer sessions interceding for the church and extends its ministry to the community and church members through charity, works of encouragement, home visitations and where necessary individual prayer and counseling.

Another critical aspect is toward connecting the church with God the Father is the ministry of the intercessor. God diligently seeks those who can stand in the gap before him for the church, the land and indeed the entire world (Ezekiel 22:30). At FGCK Zimmerman, the intercessors’ ministry is a growing trend with more and more individuals joining the priestly bandwagon towards standing in the Gap for the multitudes.

There are those who cannot find their way in prayer, those that are infirmed, the leadership, the lost, the hungry and destitute. The church and the world is crying for men and women who can stand before God and plead cases on its behalf. If such men and women can be found, God will be stirred to visit his people in their homes, offices, places of interaction and ultimately in churches around the world.

The Music intercessors respond to this call on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis by scheduling intercessory prayer meetings frequently and encouraging as many individuals as possible to join in. The church leadership also emphasizes the intercessory aspect during every worship service and intercessory prayers are usually offered immediately after the praise and worship segment of the Sunday church service and or any other day prayers are held.

It is thus apparent that the praise and worship ministry works hand in hand with the intercessory ministry in drawing individuals towards God and presenting both their issues and themselves as living sacrifices meet for the Father’s attention. In fact, within the Praise Team, there is a very important emphasis on prayer and intercession as a formative foundation for the ministry. Team members are encouraged to intercede unceasingly for the church, individuals and indeed the world.

As a result of all the unique ministries God has afforded , the church continues to witness a stable growth of its membership and an ever-increasing trajectory towards experiencing Gods presence in practical ways.  Through power packed services organized with the primary objective of servicing the total man (spirit, soul and body), our church has become an environment where man meets God and God man.

We encourage you to join us and share in the joy and graces of what God is doing in, through and for us.