Bishop’s Desk

Welcome to Full Gospel Churches of Kenya

Bishop Benson K. Ngwiri
The Voice of HopeAt the very heart of the Gospel is the dynamic of learning. The Christian learns by constantly reflecting upon one’s life experiences lived with the gift of faith. Through such experiences we grow in our lives as Christ’s body the Church. Lives which witness to the presence and action of Jesus Christ our risen Lord who reveals the life of God: a life of love. Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. In this place of natural beauty, the Full Gospel, Zimmerman local church assembly seeks to live the life of Christ, through each one of its public ministries. Fundamental to each of its ministries and outreaches is a deep Christian education. This has been the tradition and teaching of the Full Gospel Churches of Kenya. You are welcome for fellowship and encounter with the Lord
Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
Welcome to our fellowships all across the week and on Sundays for communion and lessons on keeping righteous.
Bible Study
We have Bible study sessions structured to fit your work programs. Contact us for updates and details of joining the team.
God of All Seasons- Bishop Benson Ngwiri

What are the characteristics of seasons? Everything in life is subject to seasons (Ecc. 3:1) Each season has a purpose Seasons are cyclical & dynamic

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The Year of Divine Restoration- Exodus 33

Series:Open The Way Title:Opening the Way For God’s PresenceTo Walk With Us Lead Verse(s): Exodus 33, Ps 65:11, Gen 1:28, Isaiah 59:1-2 Speaker: Bishop Ben

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Dealing with difficult people in our lives

Elder Simon Muchemi Dealing with difficult people in our lives    Psalms 38:19  “But my enemies are vigorous, and they are strong;And those who hate

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Benefits of Revival

You cannot pay the price of something unless you understand its benefits first

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