The Follow Up Team

“Follow-Up” refers to the process of ongoing personal investment and communication that should occur after a new person has begun to attend services at Full Gospel Church, Zimmerman Worship Center. The goal of the Christian worker in this situation is to make available the truths of Christianity in a way that is understandable, and that is suited to the progress of the investigator. The Bible


stresses the importance of “persuading men” of the truth (2 Corinthians 5:11) ; of “feeding the sheep” — (i.e. those newly born into His kingdom, John 21:15-17); of fellowship (Acts 2:44-47); and of teaching (Acts 5:42). The primary goal of the follow-up team can best be stated in the words of the Bible, that the new person would become “firmly rooted, built up in Him and established in…faith” (Colossians 2:6-7). At Zimmerman Worship Center, we keep track of how many first-time visitors to home churches remain on as members. This ratio of first-timers to new members is our follow-up ratio.

Since follow-up is communication, it will be facilitated by good relationship with the new person. People not only need understanding, they need trust. Also, part of the message we want to communicate is subjective in nature– that is, the love of Christ, as experienced in the local church. For all of these reasons, it is desirable to do our communicating in the context of developing social relationships if possible.

  • We welcome a new person with a personal invitation to return for more study and fellowship.
  • Social involvement outside of home church often provides an opportunity to discuss spiritual things in a comfortable and natural setting. In addition, it shows the person that Christians know how to have a good time.